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Invitations To Tender

Low-cost multi-frequency multi-constellation GNSS antenna for CubeSats

Satellites flying in LEO are relying more and more on Precise Orbit Determination (POD) through GNSS and in particular the computation of real time on-board POD with accuracy at centimetre level. Receivers for in-orbit demonstration of Precise Point Positioning (PPP) currently under development under NAVISP (NAVISP-EL1-009: ‘Space GNSS Receiver for Un-Orbit Demonstration of PPP’) and the…

Integrity Monitoring and Prediction Concept for Autonomous Car Resilience and Safety

Autonomous driving is seen by many as a coming technology disruption that will have profound impacts on industry, society and the economy. One of the great hopes of autonomous driving proponents is the realisation of huge safety improvements. According to the World Health Organization, road accidents account for 3,400 deaths every day around the world. This is more deaths than those caused, for…