Status: On Going

Activity Code: NAVISP-EL2-001

Start date: 23/10/2017

Duration: 30 Months

COLOSSUS is a GNSS data processing platform for autonomous and continuous input and processing of large amounts of crowd-sourced RINEX data collected from continuously operating GNSS receiver (CORS) networks.

COLOSSUS will take advantage of the availability of numerous public and private CORS networks that are routinely collecting RINEX data from multiple GNSS constellations at multiple GNSS frequencies.

The role of the COLOSSUS product will be to process the crowd-sourced RINEX data and autonomously identify, isolate and attribute GNSS faults and failures into causation groupings. 

COLOSSUS will be able to identify common mode GNSS failures, constellation failures and single satellite failures by persistent monitoring across all GNSS constellations and all GNSS frequencies throughout different geographical scales and receiver network densities. 

COLOSSUS will be able to identify inter-GNSS failures and inter-GNSS dependencies within GNSS receivers by processing RINEX data from multiple GNSS receiver types.


Prime contractor

Nottingham Scientific Ltd

Name: Nottingham Scientific Ltd

Country: United Kingdom


Last Updated: 08/01/2018 11:07